Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Apo's Trophy Protection

Apo's Trophy Protection

Its very sad to see that the Apo's Trophy Protection Society is shutting it's door's after along run of eighteen year's. Two less than a score, thats the actual score.

The man who started the society, John Richard's, was apparently some kind of rioter, rioting for newspaper's and stuff before he retired unhurt and started a society to take on the responsibility of tracking the misuse and missed use of the Apo's trophy and castigating the offender's. After eighteen year's of meritorious service, he was forced to shut it down because, for one thing, he himself was slowing down and, for another thing, no one seemed to care. He attribute's the "victory" of the closing down to two other person's, Ig Norance and Lazy Ness. It is not known whether these person's were his fellow rioter's.

But I fail to understand what a venerable old chap within hand shaking distance of eighty was doing starting society's to track overhead comma's, when he should have been sitting under tree's and reading book's or writing poem’s and listening to bird's twittering or whatever. Misused apo's trophy's or lack of them should hardly matter to retired rioter's, or, for that matter, to anyone else. Personally speaking, when I retire, I would like sit under tree’s, one tree at a time, of course, and gaze at blank space’s in front of me. But thats neither here nor there.

Still, its somewhat dis-appointing to read.

The Apo's trophy is probably the most abused punctuation mock used in the English language. Many other language’s must have known this would happen and so they decided not to have it as part of their own gramma.

But, coming back to English, I feel its up to us to fight to protect it’s use, misuse and non-use. I shall look for and, in my own small way's, continue to hunt down serial offender's. Maybe I shall form another society myself. I invite suggestion's for a suitable name and style.

-       © Shiva Kumar